Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Random Musings

Howdy gentle readers and other assorted folks!

Yes, that was a very optimistic greeting, under the assumption that real people actually read this blog.

In case someone does (Hallelujah! What a surprise!)

Okay this is my blog after a long gap. Yeah…the gap has been pretty long indeed. So this has turned out to be some kinda new thing to me. I’m just checking out whether I have lost the touch or not. So yeah…. lotta things have changed in my life during this period. I’m not that person that I used to be when I started this blog anymore. Times have changed…so has me…

So why didn’t I blog for such a long time…the reasons are not that complicated. All this time even though I didn’t blog much I have been reading a lot. Yeah in today’s world reading doesn’t necessarily be confined to the world of books as you see in its printed form. I have been following lot many blogs as you could understand from my reading list provided here. Well I have been reading those. Evidently the sorts of experience that you gain by reading blogs are very much different from what you gain by reading ordinary books or journals. As you can make out, the posts that you read in a blog are a person’s own opinion without any bias. One wouldn’t get that feeling when reading a journal or other articles or magazines published online. All other such materials obviously goes through various stages of editing and what we readers essentially get to read might not be the honest opinion of the writer. That makes a very big difference. What we read in a blog is the raw material and feelings that any blogger has without any distortions or other influences. And also most of them are very different in its compilation than what we get to read in journals and magazines. So blogs have always occupied a special place in my life.

Well I quite didn’t give the reasons why I didn’t (or rather couldn’t) blog for such a long time. Okay people usually have this feeling that engineering students don’t get spare time and that they are always kinda bookish. But believe me that’s entirely wrong. I have never got this much free time ever in my life before. So lack of time is definitely not a reason .

One of the many online revolutions that are currently taking place is in the case of social media. What exactly is the so called ‘social media’? I’m not quite an expert in this subject but nevertheless I’ve been an active member of this social media revolution that’s been taking place in the world of internet. I started off with orkut which most of my other Indian readers also did. Then came this all new phenomenon of facebook which quite had a sweeping effect in all of our lives. So is the case with the micro blogging site twitter. Although facebook has always been having an upper hand over twitter. The main factor which gives facebook its upper hand is obviously its popularity. It has millions of more members than what twitter has. But one could never compare both, as facebook deals with social media and twitter on other hand is a micro blogging site. To be honest my twitter account is sort of newsroom for me. I get most of the news about things happening around the world in my twitter account much faster than I see in television or in any other news media. I could give an example. I hope every one still remember about the devastating earthquake that struck China this year. The earth quake was first reported in twitter. Only after the news broke out in twitter did even the big media houses like BBC and CNN break the news. If there was no twitter the world would never ever have seen the devastation in its complete form that happened as the Chinese government would have easily suppressed the media from publishing the information and details about the disaster. It makes any average person an important contributor.

What I’m essentially pointing out here is that these phenomenons not only altered my online experience but opened new vistas of knowledge and information to me. Earlier I used to spend most of the time in net reading blogs and other similar stuff. But since the coming of facebook and twitter the time I allocated earlier for blogs reduced drastically. I spend many hours on facebook and twitter alike. So essentially the gap between successive posts began to increase. But the fact of the matter is that, I’m not the only one affected by this phenomenon. Many of my fellow bloggers have also accepted this fact and even those which I follow don’t seem to get updated regularly as they used to be in the past. Of course blogs of various journalists and other commercial blogs that I follow still are doing well.

So the reasons are quite clear. There aren’t much…its simple, my attention has been diverted from blogging to other kinds of online experiences like facebook and twitter which seem to have more audience than what I get in my blogs.

But I still relish the sort of satisfaction and charm that blogging has to offer to me. I could never have conveyed all this through my facebook or twitter account.

Hoping to come up with more posts .  (now that I have broken the jinx)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Questionnaire

So people , This time I'm gonna give you all a little surprise!.

This actually is a questionnaire which I found while browsing the net some days ago.Hope you all will find it interesting. So thought of sharing it with my readers in here.I have tried to be honest in all the answers as possible.By the way this is the first post in my blog, which was edited by none other than "Nills" himself . I'm publishing this , since he desired for that. So thank you "Nills" for finding out time and going through the draft .

Without more Introduction lets get into the Stuff then !!

And here we go.....

Last beverage? Coffee
Last phone call? Mom
Last song you listened to? Poker Face (acoustic – Daughtry)
Last time you cried? Don’t remember

Dated someone twice? No
Been cheated on? Never!
Kissed someone & regretted it? No ()
Lost someone special? Yes
Been depressed?? It would have to be the one constant thing in my life.
Been drunk? Never


Made new friends? Lotta dem !!
Fallen out of love – Nah
Laughed until you cried – Last week
Met someone who changed you? Yes
Found out who your true friends were? Yes
Found out someone was talking about you? Yes
Kissed anyone on your friend’s list? No

How many kids do you want to have? If it were up to me, None. Could depend on the partner I think
Do you have any pets? None.
Do you want to change your name? No.
What did you do for your last birthday? Nothing really.
What time did you wake up today? 8 AM
What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping.,what else!.
Name something you CANNOT wait for? Peace
Last time you saw your father? Some minutes ago..
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? Nothing.. Or maybe everything.
What are you listening to right now? Something on TV
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Yes ( A guy in ma college )
What’s getting on your nerves right now? Bad stuff.. Very bad.
What’s your real name? Sreehari Nandakumar
Relationship Status? Single
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Male or female- Male
Elementary School? Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Middle School? Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
High school? Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
Hair color? Black
Long or short? Short
Do you have a crush on someone? Yeah I guess so
What do you like about yourself? A lot of things. I am self obsessed.
Piercings → None
Tattoos → None
Righty or lefty → Right-handed

First kiss→ lol.. I don’t kiss and tell.
First piercing → None
First tattoo→ None
First best friend → Is Enjoying all out in the land of oblivion and the other one might be reading this now! .
First sport you joined → Badminton
First pet → None.
First vacation→ Don’t remember
First love → Family.
First crush→ A school mate.
First alcohol drink - I am not an alcoholic.

Eating → Nothing
Drinking → Nothing
I’m about to → Watch TV and have lunch
Listening to → No songs
Waiting for → Nothing at all

Want kids? no
Want to get married? Don’t know!!
Careers in mind? lots of options.. multitasking it shall be.

Lips or eyes → Eyes
Hugs or kisses → Both
Shorter or taller → Shorter (Coz I'm short lol!! )
Older or Younger → Younger
Romantic or spontaneous → Both
Nice stomach or nice arms–> Both
Tattoos or piercings— Neither
Sensitive or loud → Sensitive
Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
Trouble maker or hesitant→ Trouble-maker, thats always more fun

Kissed a stranger → No
Drank hard liquor → No
Lost glasses/contacts – No
Sex on first date – No
Broken someone’s heart → Don't think so!
Had your own heart broken → Nah
Been arrested? No
Turned someone down → Yes
Cried when someone died → Yes
Liked a friend that is a girl? → O Yes!

Yourself → Yes
Miracles → Yes
Love at first sight → Nah
Heaven → Yes
Santa Claus → No
Kissing on the first date? → No
Angels – No

Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes!
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? No
Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? Yes!
What’s the one thing you cannot live without? My Family and Frnds
Who’s the most awesome kid ever? It would have to be undoubtedly me

So how was it?

Comments are welcome !!

Thank You !!

I just want to thank all of you guys for your wonderful feed back on the facelift that I had given to my blog.
I was really surprised to see that within a week after I made those changes, my follower count was more than doubled!! Yeah true! Absolutely fabulous!! Never did I expect such a warm response from all of you!! I’m humbled by this!! I wish to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Danny Brown especially . It was through reading his articles and blogs did I actually get an idea about the reason why I couldn’t convert the trespassers through my blog into genuine followers!! So a big thank you to you sir.
So once again I thank you all for your wonderful support and response!!
Hoping to keep this space updated more regularly.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Changeover

So people ,  What do you think about this new Avatar ??

From now on  (drum rolls) " My Experiments with blogging "  will be known as " Reflections of the Unknown "  * tadaa

I needed to change that previous title as I couldn't be true to it....  Yeah  coz  I'm no longer experimenting with blogs ( U know dat !! )

So please gimme your invaluable comments on this new outlook !!

And yeah  ...  plans are on  for a new template too ...   so look forward to that !!



Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Musings ( From the college lab ) - 02

So its my blog after a gap of  four months.

I really am not sure how to go on with this.  Now that I've started i can't go without finishing it..

Four months..  Its been great for me all through these months... A lot many things have changed....personally . And yes my outlook towards life in general has also changed ...

And its bound to happen....

I've been experiencing this overwhelming sense of freedom ever since I got into my college life. The amount of freedom ...was in a scale that i probably wasn't ready for !!

Freedom invariably comes loaded with responsibility. A responsibility that has to be defined by one's on conscience.  In these past months another particular change that is worth mentioning is about the attitude of society in general to me . Well yes, I'm not that kinda public figure who's always under the scrutiny  of  public eyes ... The society I mentioned above includes the people who know me..who deal with me on a day to day basis .... like my relatives... my parents...my school teachers  childhood buddies etc .

( This is getting serious i guess !!  )

And yeah ....   social media networks have made a definite change .   I still remember  how i longed to have an internet connection during my school days just to be in orkut .  And how i used to save money given for me   and go to internet cafes just for being in orkut....  Times have changed ....  Orkut , Facebook all have come and gone.....but yes its still der!!  but I don't have the sort of craze towards those as i had during my school days ( I became a facebook member only after my 12Th board though )...

But something new has come...  which took me by complete surprise...
yeah you guessed it right ...   "  Twitter "

We hear about that a lot these days.  At first , I thought that it was one among those craps that I go along in net !!
But my perception had a dramatic twist later on !!
( And I'm really proud to say that i was probably 200 or 300 TH follower of Shashi Tharoor who later went on to become the Indian with largest number of followers !! )

Its probably the tweeting experience that kept me away from blogging for so long !!

Its Fun & Easy to use  ...

Twitter is one of those radical changes that the social networking has ever  undergone  . Its like what Google did to internet..   Even at this time there are people who consider Google a synonym for internet !!

Anyone who has a mind and has the willingness to express his feelings will automatically find twitter a great medium of exposure to world at large ... one of the most exiting application of twitter is trendsmap which gives us the live feed about what people are talking around the world at that moment !!  actually its that what got me going for twitter.....  http://trendsmap.com/

If anyone's interested to know more you could well start off with clicking the follow me link at the bottom of my twitter update box.

I would really like to see comments on the impact of social networking sites on your lives .

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